Reporting live here from Thunder Bay. I gave a little talk to a dinner audience last night, here at the Thunder Bay pro-life conference. I mentioned at the dinner that freedom of speech and winning hearts and minds toward the pro-life cause go hand in hand. This is why it is a major strategy of the student unions to ban or limit the clubs. (The pro-life message, done well, is very compelling so the best thing to do is ensure it doesn’t get out there.)
I mentioned that it takes a great deal of courage for pro-life students to stand up to the student union bullies. I’d like to really stress this: it takes more courage than you think. You are young, trying to get a degree, taking on an unpopular cause… it’s not outside the realm of the possible that some professor decides you shouldn’t pass. Or then there’s just the social climate in which you are living and breathing. Needless to say, back when I was a student, I didn’t have that courage and didn’t involve myself in this type of club activities.
These guys have garnered a lot of mainstream media–simply because they were willing to be vocal. And that does everyone a service, and provides an example.
As for the conference, I only arrived close to the end of the day yesterday, and things are just starting today. On that note, I’m off to get ready for the day.
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