I could have written this, so wholeheartedly do I agree with it. The one section I might add is the physical repercussions for many women of taking said pill every day, effects which are not liberating by a long shot. This section on how the Pill increased abortions is something we have yet to fully grasp hold of. It’s very counter-intuitive:
Originally, the Pill was expected to reduce abortion by reducing unwanted pregnancies. However, this “iron curtain” between sex and the possibility of babies had the unintended consequence of dramatically boosting the rate of abortion, which spiked dramatically around 1968-70, well before 1973’s Roe v Wade. This was because of the growing sense of having a “right not to be pregnant” if a sexually active woman didn’t want to be. She could also face pressure toward abortion from her partner who didn’t want his sexual partner hampered by pregnancy.
Things to think about and talk about, to be sure, since every woman gets on the Pill at one point or another.
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