Good commentary on “The War on Women” over at Dumb Old Housewives.
For me, this poster marks another “count the euphemisms” moment. I got six, which is a lot for a short poster. My count starts with the phrase “protecting women’s health” and ends with “women are watching” which seems to me to mean “if you don’t do what we, a small group of extreme activists who happen to be women, want, we will hunt you down in your sleep.” Women are watching, indeed.

The Obamas have turned out to be such a disappointment with their public support of abortion. And, I am not sure that either of them believe that abortion is a good thing for women, or whether they are taking a political stance. On a more personal note, I have yet to find someone able to explain to me, or to provide a cogent argument, as to how killing a dependent human being advances women’s rights.
“On a more personal note, I have yet to find someone able to explain to me, or to provide a cogent argument, as to how killing a dependent human being advances women’s rights.”
I’m still searching for that too.