Apparently, not much:
We were quick to discover, as pro-life students at Carleton University are learning all too well, that power to the people and all that jazz is a courtesy rarely extended to the pro-life community on university campuses.
At Carleton today, it’s about graphic images. In Halifax, 25 years ago, it was about Feminists for Life pamphlets saying “Peace begins in the womb.” The problem then, isn’t how the message is conveyed. The problem is that the pro-life message is conveyed at all.

Carleton’s “Question Everything” campaign, which was launched about 2 years ago, should have been called “Question Everything, Unless It Conflicts With Our Agenda.” Hope they didn’t pay too much to the marketing firm that dreamed up the slogan.
A contributing factor to students at University today is that they have been ‘educated’ in a public school system that teaches things like, as one recent grade 9 school assembly in New Brunswick did, ‘abortion is available .. it takes about five minutes, and then you go home, you’re fine’. With mind numbing, false, indoctrination like that we get university student associations like Carleton’s.
What they really mean is question everything said by the old white men with pointy hats, and the people who consort with them, who have almost no power at all in an increasingly secular world.
I don’t think they quite understand that “the establishment” isn’t quite what it used to be. They’ve become the establishment.