The Canadian Medical Association votes against Stephen Woodworth’s motion, saying “life begins when a baby emerges from it’s mother’s womb.”
I’m sure the ob-gyns who do surgery in utero are pretty confident there’s something going on in there. This is a purely political statement from a medical body.
I also found this interesting:
This attempt to modify the definition of a human being could legally recognize the fetus, which would give the fetus rights,” said Montreal physician Dr. Genevieve Desbiens “This constitutes a recriminalization, not only of abortion, but any form of contraception,” she said.
Would that mean, finally, an admission that contraceptives don’t always work simply to prevent pregnancy?

It might mean also that liberalised abortion is really about contraception. The Canadian medical profession was long ago robbed of its independence; people like Desbiens are trashing what remains of its ethical foundations. Some doctors continue on into the wind; still, so many seem to have defaulted to where their bread is buttered – with statism and its progressivist (and neo-barbarian) travelling companions.
PS Great blog Andrea!
“so many seem to have defaulted to where their bread is buttered.” Well put.