In Britain:
Many charities have been told that they must extend their counselling and outreach services to men because of new equality laws which require local authorities to ensure that services do not discriminate on grounds of sex.
Fiona Mactaggart, the former Home Office minister, said an “unintended consequence” of the law has meant some domestic violence services have lost grants or contracts for refusing to do so.
She said: “There are some local authorities who interpret equalities to mean that a refuge has to provide for men, not only for women.
“There are some stupidnesses developing in the system that nobody intended.”
Indeed. There are excellent reasons why women’s shelters are women-only. Some women are so badly abused that the mere presence of any male around them sends them into a panic. That’s not to say male victims of domestic violence and abuse – don’t laugh; this is a real problem – don’t deserve help. They do. Just not in the same shelters. It’s not rocket science. Why can’t governments grasp such simple commonsensical concepts?
Rebecca asks: Why not file a complaint with a human rights council against the abuse victims, who are clearly discriminating against men in this case? That’s only marginally stupider than all kinds of cases that actually appear before HRCs.

Not just in Britain. Ezra Levant told of a man in BC, who had an operation to become a woman, then applied to become a rape counsellor. When turned down, he made a complaint with the Human Rights Commission because he thought that was discriminatory against him. Now, what woman who has been raped, wants to be counselled by someone who was a man, and is now a woman? Could she even trust him? common sense, out the window.
Do you folks think that boys and men are not abused by women in domestic relationships? Think again! It just goes against their pride issues to broadcast the fact.
I agree that women’s shelters need to remain non-men. But let us not neglect those men who must deal with the terrible effects of living with a psycho-shrew.