…When they are pro-life. The headline tells pro-lifers to “shut up.” An embarrassing editorial in the Vancouver Province:
Anti-abortionists need to get this through their skulls: the debate is over and you lost. Women long ago won the right to have control over their bodies, and the choice about whether and when to have children, and Canadians massively support that right. Abortion is not murder, so get over it.
Just by the by: When your talking points include telling people that something is *not* murder, you know you have a PR problem on your hands. That’s media training 101. By saying “Abortion is not murder,” the general public begins to wonder just why they had to say that. And so defensively, too. An epic fail for the writing, lack of logic and generally rude tone of this editorial.

Admittedly not having read the whole editorial, my first response is to suggest the author go back and revisit the position of “anti-abortionist” as I know several women who are pro-choice (as in, pro-allowing-individual-women-to-choose) but would never have an abortion themselves. To loosely group everyone into the same label is definitely naive.
My second thought is that just because an issue was settled legally does not mean it has been settled in the hearts of women facing the decision.
I get the feeling reading the rest of the editorial will only make me more agitated.
I was actually embarrassed by that editorial — embarrassed by the unprofessionalim of the paper’s so-called “senior editors” who resorted to hyperbolic and bombastic (childish, actually) bullying to suport a lame argument — sorry, no argument at all, but, rather, a diatribe. This type of anti-intellectualism will be the demise of the pro-abortion contingent in this country.
You have to wonder if the editors who wrote this piece believe in democracy or not. Abortion on demand was imposed upon us by judicial fiat, not by democracy. When they say “We won, you lost”, just who is the we they are referring to?
Canada, last time I checked, is still a democracy. Majority rules and all that. And, although it is true that a majority of Canadians don’t want to see abortion outlawed entirely, a substantial majority favour at least some restrictions on the procedure: restricting it to the first trimester or two, mandating informed consent, restrictions like that.
Perhaps opposing any and all abortions is an extreme position. However, the law of the land, which permits abortions for any and all reasons is extreme too. The majority of Canadians fall somewhere in the middle, and the current law does NOT reflect the will of the majority of Canadians. That’s why this issue keeps coming up, over and over again.
Just who is imposing whose beliefs upon whom here?