Big rally against further liberalization of abortion in Spain over the weekend. The news article definitely pits mom against child in a battle of rights, which is a misperception we must struggle to correct.
But check the last line of the report, which is what caught my interest:
Currently, Spanish women can also end a pregnancy if their physical or psychological health is at risk. In practice, the last category has been used to justify the vast majority of abortions – of which there were 112,000 in 2007.
Spain apparently has a restrictive law, but 112,000 abortions annually nonetheless. Spain has a population of about 45 million. Canada has no law, a population of about 33 million, and about 110,000 abortions annually (we can’t know for sure since the stats are so poorly kept and many clinics don’t file.)
So legal changes may result in exactly the same position when it comes to lost lives…if unaccompanied by cultural heart change.
Jennifer Derwey says
An article from 2005 in The Guardian quoted the rates at 85,000 (having doubled from the decade prior). This continued growth is definitely a result of the needed heart change Andrea spoke of. Legislation isn’t enough.
Norie Ventura says
A change in heart on abortion – that is all that is needed – that is the answer. Testimonials are powerful and have the power to change hearts. Where should these stories come from?
From those woman who thought abortion was the answer to only realize that it was the beginning of a problem. Your story is powerful and it needs to be told to our nation. You can make a difference in changing the hearts of our nation on this issue. I hope that you can see how valuable you are to this issue. Canada needs you to tell our people your stories. If woman are for woman, then we need to encourage our sisters to speak up and have the platform and tell the story from those who have walked the walk. We need to encourage our sisters to speak up and no longer keep this a secret. It is your stories that will transform the hearts of the people in our nation along with organizations such as ProWomanProLife who have opened the doors to discuss the issue via the internet and other medial outlets. You are not alone.
Jennifer Derwey says
This is true Norie, but lifting the taboo on abortion is only one factor. Historically, induced abortion has been traced since ancient times. To overcome such a legacy, it is important to understand the myth of ‘choice’ involved. The reasons to terminate a pregnancy may have changed since ancient Greece, but the outside factors are much the same (fear of reaction, family pressure, finances, among others). As women, we should definitely encourage others to speak out about their own personal experiences (and sometimes these testimonials are the only real information available) but also begin at the start ideologically. The myth that this is a ‘personal choice’ keeps us from solving the societal issues that keep women (especially pregnant women and those with children) from achieving their goals.
Norie says
Hi Jennifer,
Sorry for the slow response finally getting a chance to respond. You make a great point – “the myth that this is a ‘personal choice’ keeps us from solving the societal issues….” – that is true – issues are big and can become too complex and overwhelming – it sometimes only takes a simple truth to change one mind that can have a great impact on many. Talking about abortion – like we are is a great start – an awesome start.
Utimately I think a change of heart can only happen when someone has made a ‘personal choice’ to realize the truth that has been revealed and “see” the truth for what it is. A women talking about her experience about abortion and how it has a drastic negative impact on her life not only allows for a possible friendship to develop and different minds to come together and understand the impact of this decision but it also allows for healing to take place in the woman talking about her abortion experience and the other woman to listen to the ‘real’ impact it has to ‘real’ woman like you and me. The joint agreement – women starting to feel free enough to talk and women willing to listen – can be a powerful way to ensure that abortion does not become part of our daily lives for us, our children and generations to come.
I think a website like this is great way for woman who are scared to be publicly seen and judged to start telling their stories and feel safe enough to be heard.
If finances, family pressures, fear of reaction keep woman from speaking then we as woman should become real and help those who are in this situation as well. We need to let our daughters and sons know that we will be there for them and ensure that the community is also there for them to encourage them to have the child. We need to help with clothing, feeding and taking care of them. It has to become real and the more we make a decision to be willing to get involved with the issue and be there for those who ask for help before making this decision – the greater the impact – one person at a time.
How do we get woman to start talking and feeling safe to say – I am pregnant – this is overwhelming – help me.
Abortion is a secretive, deceptive and manipulative way to deal with a life – how do we turn this around?
This is a big issue – thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts.