If that seems like a dumb question, perhaps take a look at this new web site, launched yesterday.
Brigitte is back in the 1980s: Now I can’t get this song out of my head. Thanks Andrea!
And so is Véronique: Gee, thanks Brigitte.

Andrea et al.
Are you going to sign the personhood petition? Why or why not?
Yes, I just signed. Because I believe people are people, in or outside the womb. Sorry about the delay in my response.
Thanks for responding. I agree that logically it makes sense. The law, however, seems to have a logic all of its own, and I’m still grappling with the question of whether legal personhood, in the Canadian context, is the best way to achieve the desired goal of recognizing and defending the natural rights of the unborn, or whether some other way is better.
I am specifically wondering whether the suggested modification of Section 223 of the Canadian Criminal Code, by itself, would have unintended legal consequences.
Some things to ponder:
– should an embryo have the right to inherit property?
– would the census have to count embryos?
– if a woman has a miscarriage, will she be protected from undue questioning of her behaviour?
Perhaps someone with a background in law could comment on this.
On the other hand, this petition is very far from achieving its objective, so maybe signing it is justified for the purpose of generating some reasoned debate on this issue.