How about “everyone who’s seen this video?”
Here’s one way to lose your girlfriend and become Internet famous at the same time.
During a Major League Baseball game between the Houston Astros and the Atlanta Braves, Astros Third Baseman Chris Johnson drove a foul ball in the direction of a couple sitting in left-field. Instead of catching the ball or taking the brunt of the hurling object though, the boyfriend (Bo) slid to his right, letting his girlfriend (Sarah) take a direct hit from the foul ball. Since her boyfriend was in the way until the last second, she never saw it coming.
If that wasn’t bad enough, it was all caught on tape. Plus, the broadcasters interviewed the clearly embarrassed boyfriend on TV. Oh, and they gave him a nickname we doubt he’ll be shedding anytime soon: “Bo the Bailer.”
Mix all of that together and surprise! — the two minute clip has gone viral. In just a few hours, the YouTube (
) clip of “Bo the Bailer” has nearly 30,000 views and has already been featured on SportsCenter. Hell, there’s already a Facebook page dedicated to the guy.
Sure, we feel bad for the dude, but you can’t abandon your girlfriend on TV and expect to get away with it. At least he didn’t pull a Steve Bartman. Oh, in case you were wondering, the Astros lost.

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