Thanks for speaking up for the women who are trying to make choices, great article, keep them coming, some may listen & learn.
Thanks to correct guidance by family, we now have a totally healthy, beautiful niece despite the recommendations of medial advice to abort, terminate that life, as it “looked like” she might have some health issues if she is born!
I cannot help but think about that newborn in Calgary for whom, right now, the police are desperately searching. I find it difficult to distinguish between a newborn and a baby terminated by abortion at 8 or 9 months. The only difference between the two is that the baby has not yet been birthed, but it is still a baby.
In years to come, society will look upon abortion in western countries the same way we currently look upon infanticide practiced by the Romans.
Thanks for speaking up for the women who are trying to make choices, great article, keep them coming, some may listen & learn.
Thanks to correct guidance by family, we now have a totally healthy, beautiful niece despite the recommendations of medial advice to abort, terminate that life, as it “looked like” she might have some health issues if she is born!
I cannot help but think about that newborn in Calgary for whom, right now, the police are desperately searching. I find it difficult to distinguish between a newborn and a baby terminated by abortion at 8 or 9 months. The only difference between the two is that the baby has not yet been birthed, but it is still a baby.
In years to come, society will look upon abortion in western countries the same way we currently look upon infanticide practiced by the Romans.