A reader sent a link to this advice column on the male contraceptive jab (a monthly, self-administered injection that is said to halt sperm production), and why girls shouldn’t trust a man who claims to be on the thing.
Imagine the scenario: boy meets girl, and, like so many young women now, she doesn’t know the man particularly well.
As they strip and get into bed, she asks him if he has ‘brought anything’. He says: ‘Don’t worry, I’ve had the jab.’
What woman in her right mind would believe that? At least you can see a condom with your own eyes. Or would they issue sperm-free certificates for men to carry around with their driving licences to prove they’re up to date with their jabs?
My first thought was “My, you’ve got to want sterile sex A LOT to get into that sort of routine, don’t you” and my second was “How much you wanna bet plenty of girls will believe the guy anyway?” My third thought was something unreprintable about this sorry state of affairs (whadayamean, she doesn’t know him yet she’s perfectly OK jumping into bed with him except she can’t believe a word he says? Can somebody explain to me what the point of that might possibly be?). And then I went off to mumble something suitably old-fashioned about how it used to be a lot more simple when people were forced to take responsibility for their actions.
Anyway. I swear I was going somewhere with this. Oh yes.
I just have two questions: 1) Wasn’t science supposed to make our lives better? And 2) Isn’t hedonism supposed to be fun?

How often have you heard a woman complain that taking care of contraception rests almost solely on her shoulders? So science comes up with a solution to give men a bit of the contraceptive responsibility, and a woman’s first reaction is “But, but… we can’t trust the men!”
Seriously…if you have that little respect for someone–just why are you jumping into bed with him?
I have to admit it’s an interesting twist on the usual “women are just trying to trap you into paying for a baby so never trust her if she says she’s on birth control” crap.