“Feminist launches 4000 years for choice.”
I can’t do commentary on this any better than Suzanne Fortin over at Big Blue Wave:
Wait a minute: hasn’t the patriarchy always controlled women’s reproduction, and feminism was a response for that? Is this an Orwellian manipulation of history or what? And have you noted how this campaign equates abortion with choice? From the About page:
The 4000 Years for Choice project seeks to create new icons, symbols, and images about reproductive choice.
Look folks, no matter how many icons, symbols and images you create, they will ALWAYS be superimposed on the image of a dead fetus. Because that’s always the result. So no matter what kind of symbols of “empowerment” are created, they are always created against the backdrop of death and destruction. There’s no evading it. Abortion means death.
Since they are in the business of rewriting history, I wonder why would they not celebrate 10,000 years for choice. Maybe more. Maybe before fire was created, and before the first wheel… People! Why so short-sighted? Cuz when you’re makin’ stuff up, you should use that time to get really creative.

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