I stumbled upon this post, which pokes fun at those who would like to see Margaret Sanger removed from the Women of our Time display in the National Portrait Gallery down in Washington DC.
Fine. But there I learned that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, had this to say about abortion (from Wikipedia):
Sanger notes that her 1916 opposition to abortion was based on the taking of life: “To each group we explained what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way—no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun.” (emphasis mine)
Someone should really should let Planned Parenthood know. They need to change their mission and stop taking life, alternatively, they could get a new founding mentor.
If people want to make suggestions, I’ll write the letter.

Dear Planned Parenthood,
Please find a new mentor who believes abortion is a woman’s right. Margaret Sanger clearly demonstrates not only that she does not approve of this method (she believes contraception is the only solution that is morally correct as it does not take a human life) and she also believes no one has that right, woman or man.
As a feminist I am insulted you chose a mentor that does not believe abortion is an acceptable solution (Can we find a feminist to pen this? that’d be pretty outrageous :P)
It wouldn’t be the first time though that Sanger’s been a gross contradiction for human rights and equality which PP claims to support. Just look at her Eugenics agenda for contraception, right?