Bold is mine:
Please be advised that the Standing Committee on the Status of Women adopted the following motion from the Hon. Anita Neville at yesterday’s meeting (June 7, 2010):
“That the Committee examine: (a) the climate change impacts on women, and their adaptive and mitigative capacity; (b) the manner in which a gender perspective should be included in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of national environmental policies, in particular strategies related to the impact of climate change on women and the allocation of resources with respect to sustainable development; (c) whether a gender-based analysis of Canada’s policies concerning climate change and sustainable development has been conducted, and if so, its conclusions; and (d) Canada’s role in ensuring that a gender perspective is included as part of the international community’s response to global climate change.”
I eagerly await the results. Particularly regarding my adaptive and mitigative capacity. (Filing under “Crazy out of touch with the average woman.”)

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