In support to Andrea’s previous post, here is an article that gives a well rounded view from the mother’s perspective of various types of adoption in some of the most trying situations.
Carrying your baby to full-term and then giving it away is preferable to terminating the pregnancy for some women, but there’s no ‘easy option’. Here, three mothers tell KATE HOLMQUIST about putting their babies up for adoption.
Four years ago, 27-year-old Toni was raped on a holiday abroad. Having been made pregnant by her rapist, she says she spent a lot of her pregnancy in denial about the consequences, yet at the same time never considered an abortion. “From the second I found out I was pregnant, I knew I was in no position to be a single parent and I would not have considered a termination. I always believed everything happens for a reason. I think the child has a right to live.”
The options can range from open, semi-open (which Toni eventually chose), and closed. This article gives great insight into what can sometimes be a confusing process.

My wonderful husband was also given up for adoption in the 60s .. if he was terminated, I don’t believe I’d have the rich and amazing family I have now. He’s the best thing that’s happened to me and an all around truly Christian person – I can only hope that our kids emulate his faith in humanity and God when they grow up.
I know of a few other couples who have adopted and we always wonder where they’d be without their blessed babies. **I love babies** 🙂
A beautiful article. I hope more women with surprise pregnancies will read it.