An Australian MP wants women to sign sex contracts, in an effort to “combat false rape allegations”. The MP, Ann Bressington, explained that new proposed laws would “make it an offence to continue a sex act with a person after consent if they changed their mind” and that:
… “one-night stands” and casual relationships would become a “high-risk activity”. “Perhaps this parliament could devise a contract which men could carry around in their pocket, next to their condoms,” she said during a speech to Parliament.
“There could be a waiver should a man meet up with a woman who has had a couple of drinks before they engage in sexual intercourse.
“The contract may contain the name and address of the women, with her driver’s licence number, so that the man can see the signatures match, clauses that state that the woman has or has not been drinking or taking drugs – licit or illicit – and that she consents to foreplay.”
The proposed contract would also include details of the woman’s marital status, whether she has children and whether she consents to being taken to another location to engage in sexual activity.
On the romantic scale, this is pretty bad. But then again, I sympathize to some extent. There are apparently more than a few cases of women falsely accusing men of having raped them. Rape is a serious crime and it’s pretty disgusting to accuse someone of it who’s innocent. But as I reach back for my crusty old goat crown, I can’t help thinking that things would be a lot easier for folks of either gender if they were a little more discriminating in their choice of companion.

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