Now this is easy spoof terrain. Come on. If. You. Can’t. Wear. Clothes. In. Public…Why Should I trust YOU with my country??? Why. oh Why. Oh why??? (insert shrug.) Enjoy.
Melissa says
I love how it’s sponsored by a group called The Agenda Project. Because, you know, when people who believe that all human beings are sacred back a political action, we secretly have an agenda to control women and tie them by their apron strings to hot stoves. What is the secret agenda of these guys? To get naked?
Mariette Ulrich says
I lasted till 0:23 — it took me two more seconds to hit the PleaseGodMakeItStop button. The nakedness of the bedroom has no business in the government of the nation.
Steve says
My eyes are bleeding!
Andrea Mrozek says
Mariette, it’s at 28 seconds that I laughed out loud, as all these self-righteous shrugging naked females ask “Why?” Mirroring, actually, my question: Why, why, why…. For the love of all things good in this world, make it stop…