I chuckled when I read this paragraph:
Hey, it may sound nuts to me to give up the most creative project of all – baby-making – to write blogs and bake, but then that’s me. Who am I to judge? I am one of those rare pro-lifers who doesn’t believe in forcibly impregnating women with the seed of country music singers and Republican senators and replacing all their highfalutin’ books with Bibles and recipes. I know most of you are totally into that, but hey, not me.
It comes from an interesting commentary by Kristen Hatten on childlessness in America.
Andrea adds: Lots of good lines in this light-hearted commentary on a serious subject. I like this one: “Young people are being taught to share the highlight reel of their lives via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, and kind of marvel at their own brand.”
Faye adds: I marvel at Andrea’s Facebook brand.

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