…join the prude revolution.
Now was MTV ever considered family-friendly? I think not. I have a pretty funny memory about being repulsed by MTV as a kid. It wasn’t that my parents said, “You can’t watch that,” because to the best of my memory, they didn’t. My 12-year-old self just couldn’t understand why you want to smash perfectly good instruments–too many guitars crashing around and getting wrecked.
Today Miley Cyrus’s obscene performance at the MTV awards is causing people to get flustered. From the little I’ve seen, it sure was obscene. That said, nothing you haven’t seen before… even WHEN YOU ARE TRYING DESPERATELY NOT TO.
So what to do? For adults, nothing much, except to identify that being that openly hyper crassly sexual ain’t sexy. Of course, things get harder for those raising kids. This isn’t a terribly friendly world for little people. Up to a certain age, you can keep them in a box (not literal) but after that I can only hope and pray that this hyper-sexualized world isn’t too damaging for them.
Like I keep saying, join the prude revolution. Ever so liberating. The elegance of Audrey Hepburn will endure, where Miley will be one short, sad flash.
PS I only just realized how rude this song is. Too bad. So fun for dancing.
Melissa says
Sometimes The Onion just nails it. (Warning: language.)