Here, for instance, you will get beauty mistakes that make you look older. Only about 3 of which I was doing. So I should start looking younger any minute now…
Andrea asks: Which three? Inquiring minds need to know. (Every once in a while you get to get ready for an event with friends, fun, but I always note–aha–so that’s how you are actually supposed to use mascara/eye shadow/fill in the blank beauty product here…)
Brigitte confesses: The heavy concealer, the mascara on bottom lashes, and the powder all over. Fortunately I don’t wear makeup most of the time, but, ahem, I shall use different techniques from now on.

Ha, I still have trouble looking my age. I suppose I should be happy about that?
Funny about the powder all over though — I use the Mary Kay (and Bare Escentuals) mineral makeup which IS all-over make up powder, foundation and all. Best every though because it’s so light and looks natural. I stay away from the eye makeup though. Just give me an eyelash curler and I’m a happy camper!
Other nice tip — I quit using all those face cleansers and now wash with sunflower seed oil/castor oil 4:1 mix which I know sounds really weird, but it’s amazing for keeping skin moisturised but also washes all makeup off and whatnot. Good for keeping your skin young.