Well, you likely haven’t–heard of the connection between abortion and subsequent preterm delivery. I have, but I’m the first to admit I’m on one too many abortion-related list serves.
Here, Canadian researchers publish on the link between abortion and preterm delivery. This matters because preterm babies have higher risk of things like cerebral palsy.
The researchers look at the black community in the United States, who have a higher abortion rate and connect it to the subsequent higher risk of preterm delivery.
Interesting, also, is this:
Vacuum aspiration abortions (VAA) have never been shown to be safe in animal studies. Use of a procedure that has not been shown to be safe is a violation of the Nuremberg Code of ethics on human research and experimentation. At a minimum, consent forms for surgical abortions should inform patients of this risk.
Reminds me a bit of Barbara Seaman’s The Greatest Experiment Ever Performed On Women, which discusses how variants on the Pill weren’t adequately tested before being prescribed to women, sometimes with mortal side effects.
Women in Canada think there are no repercussions to having an abortion. It isn’t true, and I wish there was freedom of speech to discuss these things. Why do we (women) stand for being told abortion is our “right”–when not only is that not the case, but there may not even be sufficient medical testing?
BTW, the study was published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. No doubt they are merely a mouthpiece for the pro-life movement.

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