The article in the Globe is called Under 18, and pregnant by design.
For many people, the narrative of teenage pregnancy seems fairly set: A young girl has sex, misses her period, takes a surreptitious pregnancy test and receives the shocking news.
She then must decide whether to kill the child or carry the child to term, both options often devastating to deal with. But there is another scenario that is alive and well, despite decades of access to sex education and contraception: Some teenage girls welcome the news.
Ok. Of course you know that’s not what the article says. It actually reads as follows:
She then must decide whether to terminate the pregnancy or carry the child to term…
But we all know what that means. Are you comfortable with this? Move beyond the “but she is in a tough spot, and she can’t afford it, and she’s really scared…” She had sex. She got pregnant. There’s no undo button. What are we as a society going to confirm as valid choices?
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