Chantal Hébert in The Toronto Star today on Bill C-484. Predictably, she has equated abortion access with equality for women. But also has equated Bill C-484 with a recriminalization of abortion.
Seeing as the Bill is not about recriminalizing abortion, we ought to ask why it is that every pro-abortion critic believes that is the case. The answer is fear: Would recognizing the fetus in cases where where the mother wanted it result in recognition of the fetus in other places as well? It is still not immediately clear to me why that would have to result in “recriminalization,” but I’m perhaps not well-positioned to comment on that, seeing as I aim to have women recognizing the hypocrisy of abortion and the ills for their own person prior to doing so “for The Government tells me so.”
Bill C-484 so far as I can tell might well result in a recognition of the hypocrisy of our current system: This is a baby when wanted, not a baby when not wanted. “Wantedness” is such a funny concept, and yet our current ideas of what constitutes humanity rest on that notion. Not comforting.
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