You know it’s a slow news cycle when national newspapers run extensive singles ads. Unpaid ads, on the front page, above the fold. Mario is the lonely heart pictured in yesterday’s Globe and Mail:
Loneliness of agricultural singles is a growing issue in a province where farms are disappearing, but now experts – and dating sites – are paying attention
There must be a government fund for this sort of thing. A committee for rural dating. Clearly, that there is not is a sign of prejudice against Canadian corn stalks–whose very existence is at stake should young Mario not find himself a mate. I expect this prominent coverage should help spur on a national discussion. And perhaps get young Mario’s phone a-ringing.
This is very important, in particular as Canada Day approaches. And to think I almost missed this item.
Brigitte disagrees: But Andrea, isn’t Mario kinda cute? If he doesn’t deserve front-page treatment, who does? I’m no rural dating expert, but I did spend a few years in farm country many moons ago and I distinctly remember young people there not having special difficulties finding dates.
Andrea again: Mario does look cute, and that’s why this is a most egregious situation. If he can’t find a date–who can?? I ask you.