You know it’s a slow news cycle when national newspapers run extensive singles ads. Unpaid ads, on the front page, above the fold. Mario is the lonely heart pictured in yesterday’s Globe and Mail:
Loneliness of agricultural singles is a growing issue in a province where farms are disappearing, but now experts – and dating sites – are paying attention
There must be a government fund for this sort of thing. A committee for rural dating. Clearly, that there is not is a sign of prejudice against Canadian corn stalks–whose very existence is at stake should young Mario not find himself a mate. I expect this prominent coverage should help spur on a national discussion. And perhaps get young Mario’s phone a-ringing.
This is very important, in particular as Canada Day approaches. And to think I almost missed this item.
Brigitte disagrees: But Andrea, isn’t Mario kinda cute? If he doesn’t deserve front-page treatment, who does? I’m no rural dating expert, but I did spend a few years in farm country many moons ago and I distinctly remember young people there not having special difficulties finding dates.
Andrea again: Mario does look cute, and that’s why this is a most egregious situation. If he can’t find a date–who can?? I ask you.

I think Mario needs Andrea’s phone number.
I guess you can look at that two ways, Andrea. In observing an eligible single rural man and an eligible single city woman, you can conclude either that you have two problems in want of a solution, or you can conclude one problem solved. 🙂
Problem solving this way would be so easy. (Jane Austen would have been able to see that.) Anyone ready to write a novel?