Here’s how Nancy Pelosi responds to a question about whether a baby in the womb is a member of the human species. It wouldn’t be good talking points if she spoke honestly and said “It is, but I don’t care, because I prioritize circumstances above that human being in many to all circumstances.” That’s a bit too Camille Paglia.
She is obviously ruffled by the question, cites her faith and goes personal, indicating that because the speaker is a man, she will always know more about childbirth than he does.
All in all, this is another reason why there will always be an abortion debate: Because there will always be reality, aka, human beings in the womb, and there will always be some who prioritize other things above that.
BTW, in saying pro-choice people prioritize other things, I’m not being disparaging. What I aim to create, and what we as pro-lifers should strive for, is a world where it becomes impossible not to prioritize people in all stages of life.
(This post could be done here… but if you keep reading, please email me to collect your prize.)
But I don’t look down upon those who felt for one reason or another that they simply couldn’t keep their baby, and they bought into the lie that it was easier and better to abort. I have said it before and I’ll say it again–at a certain stage of my life I think I would have found that argumentation very compelling and I would have bought into that lie. I know this through friends who look a whole lot like me, who did indeed have abortions. This isn’t about judging, it’s about creating new priorities, freely held.