Seriously! When ProWomanProLife was started, it wasn’t supposed to be all serious, all the time. Just Say No.
So here’s a Slate article I do agree with. I’d add you should just say no to any wedding gown that doesn’t allow you free movement to dance. Or walk, as is sometimes the case.
I personally also believe you should say no to the dress pictured above, which, based on less than extensive “research” was the only non-strapless wedding dress photo I could find on short notice. But that’s totally personal.

What about Kate Middleton’s wedding dress? Not strapless and, I thought, absolutely gorgeous!
I was just going to mention Kate Middleton’s dress, too!
The dress pictured above is reminiscent of something Arwen Evenstar would wear. Passionate Tolkien fans would thus issue a vehement “yes” to it!
Is there a reason that you needed to find a wedding dress on short notice? are you holding something back from us? or is this just a hypothetical question?
Sorry, Julie, a friend just sent this link, that’s all. (A friend, perhaps surprisingly, a male.) Not holding any events of significance back. I thought Yes! this resonates, because I’ve been to too many weddings where the bride could barely move. I hereby make a vow to never choose a wedding dress I can’t move around in, when the time comes.
Megan, I actually did think of that. I have no problem with Tolkien. I would still say no to this dress. 🙂
Do an image search for mormon wedding dresses. We have a thing about the shoulders being covered, so strapless is not an option.
Okay, BIG SIGH. This dress is imitating the Eowyn dress from The Two Towers. Come on, people, get your nerd on! I may or may not have a photo of myself wearing a dress that is nearly identical to this one. Ahem. (So what if one of my best friends is into costuming and likes dressing me up like a barbie doll?) 😉
Anyway . . . it’s interesting what the Rentillo says about women wanting to feel like princesses and wanting to wow everyone, but if you think about it . . . princesses almost never go strapless (do they?). Not even in Disney movies.
This is the one I got: . I just couldn’t do strapless. I tried on a few, but even though the bodice and down was beautiful, the top with bare shoulders AND arms was so boring. I’ve grown very tired of that look. It always reminds me of someone who has just gotten out of the shower and wrapped a white large white bath towel around herself.
I agree with everybody about how beautiful Kate Middleton’s gown was. Very elegant.
Oooh, and Kevin is right, the Mormons have come up with some very nice wedding gowns too. I’ve seen quite a few wedding photos from some of my Mormon friends whose weddings I couldn’t attend, and they all looked so nice. Really classy, I think.
I just love wedding gowns, they’re so much fun!
Kate Middleton’s dress was a disappointment. Just lace over a regular strapless gown. Sure it had sleeves, but it was not original enough to set off a new trend. Girls with heavy arms and shoulders look terrible in strapless dresses. And the popular shoulder tattoos clash with the aspirations to glamour. A dressmaker is the only solution.