This little report talks about how kids today take the big step of having sex without a condom to show how committed they are. It’s like an engagement!
Here we witness the power of lust to take two strangers having sex to the level of two strangers committed to the joys of enduring an STD together, til death do they part. Cuz
a ring is very temporary. You can sort of just take that ring off whereas if you don’t use condoms and get an STD then it is sort of a much less temporary result of your engagement than a tan line on your finger.
Planned Parenthood must be quite distraught. Was it the curriculum? Were we boring? Did we not say you could have sex anytime, any place so long as it was safe? And there’s the rub: These kids are doing exactly what they were told. After all, before they move to condomless sex, they get tested. Now that’s romance.

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