Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol, age 17, is pregnant. And so what, I say. She plans on marrying the father and keeping the child. While I agree with the official press release from the McCain camp that it will cause her to grow up more quickly than she ever expected, I also see this as good news. She is getting married and starting a family. It’s only in very recent history that we think of getting pregnant young as wasted potential. Her child (or by that point, children) will be competent near-adults by the time she hits 32. Which is not exactly over the hill, if I do say so myself.
Brigitte would like to highlight the following paragraph from the story Andrea links to:
Senior McCain campaign officials said McCain knew of the daughter’s pregnancy when he selected Palin last week as his vice presidential running mate, deciding that it did not disqualify the 44-year-old governor in any way.
Disqualify? To be the parent of a teenager who is sexually active? Yikes; not many people would be allowed to run for office if that were the case. Imagine if we had learned that her daughter had had an abortion instead of keeping her baby. Do you think the campaign would have felt it necessary to make the same comment? Do you think we’d even know about it?
Andrea adds: Good point, Brigitte. One more thing–this situation highlights how inane our abortion-friendly culture is. I looked back at my own post–I wrote she is “keeping the child.” Was I supposed to write “keeping the fetus”? No–we only downgrade to non-human status when abortion is the course of action. A point made at ProWomanProLife before–which I’ll highlight here, is that those who are pro-life are not genetically different from the rest of the population. Namely, a 17-year-old who is having sex with her boyfriend can also be pro-life. It’s the outcome that can redeem the situation. Marriage and a baby does make a happier situation out of an “unexpected pregnancy” than abortion.
ngthagg says
The responses to Bristol Palin’s pregnancy will make it clear, I think, who is pro-choice and who is pro-abortion.
Frank Ruffolo says
Andrea not even parents are allowed to know in certain states of America with young pregnant girls as old as 14 years of age having abortions and not having to even legally notify their parents due to parental notification laws prohibiting parents from knowing.
If anyone tries to make an issue of this 17-year-olds pregnancy shame on them. At least she is going to give birth to the baby and get married and I am quite certain have the full support of her mother and family.
Once again deeds not words. Actions not reactions.