Suicide rates are on the rise for both women and men. Read about this, here.
Suicides for white adults ages 40 to 64 rose 17 percent from 1999 to 2005, researchers said. For middle-age white men, the rate rose 14 percent to 26.9 per 100,000 in 2005 from 23.1 per 100,000 in 1999. For white women in that age group, the rate rose 19 percent to 8.2 per 100,000 from 6.9 per 100,000.
From time to time, pro-abortion advocates tell me that if abortion were so bad, really, we’d be seeing an epidemic of wounded women. Which, they then say, we’re not seeing.
Really? Seems to me we do have some problems in our culture, generally speaking, with too many people on anti-depressants, and visiting psychiatrists and all.
Now I know the difference between causation and correlation, and I am not saying abortion is causing or even correlated to this increase in suicides. What I am saying is that there’s a problem when suicide rates go up that much that suddenly–and we won’t necessarily ever be able to find a direct link. Oftentimes social problems experienced broadly can’t be directly traced to one single source.
Yet there’s no doubt that abortion causes an increase in depression, suicide and suicide ideation–on that the literature is quite clear, in spite of what the American Psychological Association claims. And so when I saw this report about increased suicides, it made me think of a possible link to abortion. The walking wounded–they are all around us–if we care enough to see.
Tanya thinks this is no coincidence. Quebec not only has the highest abortion rate in Canada, it also has the highest rate of suicides. In fact, it has the third highest rate of suicides in the industrialized world.

Some people don’t think suicide/assisted suicide/euthanasia is such a problem…