I wasn’t sure how to title this post: “No need to debate abortion, but a definitive need to speak clear English” or how about “Pro-choice letter writer admits we are all just in various states of gestation…the quintessential pro-life point” or finally, “Yes! I’m in a state of gestation too.”
One small point on this letter to the editor: A debate can’t occur in isolation, in someone’s mind. That’s not a debate, that’s solitary contemplation. And women and men don’t contemplate abortion unless they are challenged to do so. Let me reiterate a point I’ve made before: An unexpected pregnancy is a very bad time to contemplate one’s views on abortion for the very first time.
Muriel Beauroy’s views are profoundly anti-woman, and I might add, contrary to making an informed choice.
But keep up the good work, incoherent pro-choicers! Only makes my job a whole lot easier.
Brigitte scratches her head in acute puzzlement:
To those who bemoan the conscience of many women on this matter, I would simply remind them that at any given moment vast numbers of women are in a state of gestation, visibly or not, to term or not. This is quite natural and private.
So we don’t need to bemoan the conscience (or, more aptly, lack thereof) of women because vast numbers of them are gestating even as we speak? Well, if that’s the pro-choice position, things are looking up indeed.