Like this analysis from George Jonas in today’s Post.
It isn’t Governor Palin’s sex that bothers them. Nor is it her politics. What they cannot abide is what they see as her class. Europeans and Asians tend to think of America as a classless society. No doubt, compared to old Europe and old Asia it is. But not entirely. The clamour we now hear surrounding Governor Palin’s candidacy for vice-president on the Republican ticket isn’t the sound of gender- but class-warfare. What makes contemporary Western-style class war confusing is that the upper classes are lined up Left and the lower classes Right.
He goes on to say:
Resign yourselves to the next inhabitant of the White House having an atrocious hairdo.
Great piece, one question though. (Here at PWPL we don’t shy away from the tough ones): What is so wrong with Sarah Palin’s hair?
Brigitte is having palpitations: Aaaargh! It looks like a sticky helmet! I love the woman, but I do wish she let her hair fall nicely on her shoulders instead…
Andrea defends Sarah’s hair: That’s the thing–I’ve seen plenty of photos where her hair does just that–falls nicely on her shoulders. I’ve also become accustomed to an overuse of hairspray by our female friends south of the border. I classify it as a “cultural difference” of which I should be tolerant.
Rebecca adds: A lot of the time, her hairdo reminds me of the “twist into ponytail, then leave in a knot so the baby can’t blow his nose in your hair” fashion so popular with, well, me.
Since when did the Jonas Brothers care about politics? Oh wait …