Michelle Malkin reacts to the post-election trashing of Sarah Palin by sore-loser anonymous “aides”. Two paragraphs stand out:
Sarah Palin worked her heart out. She energized tens of thousands to come out who would have otherwise stayed home. She touched countless families. I didn’t agree with everything she said on the campaign trail. But two fundamental conservative stands she took mattered greatly to me: She vigorously defended the Second Amendment and the sanctity of life more eloquently in practice than any of the educated conservative aristocracy.
And she did it all with a tirelessness and infectious optimism that defied the shameless, bottomless attempts by elites in both parties to bring her and her family down.
Well said.
Andrea adds: I continue to defend Sarah Palin. Why? That the media thinks she is stupid don’t make it so. (NB: Incorrect grammar used purposefully.) When, in rare moments, her personality was allowed to shine through the thick media filter, all I ever saw was a warm and genuine woman. I will never be a fan of career politicians. I will never be a fan of a politician for whom defending basic human rights is “above his pay grade.” Abortion is the crucial social justice issue of our time. It takes a certain amount of smarts and courage to see that. Smarts Palin had and Obama did not. On election night, when I watched, some were taken aback by my support for Palin. Well, let me repeat it: I stand up for Palin, and will continue to do so.
(I have a lot more to say on directions the GOP can and/or should take now. And let me assure you, they don’t involve going soft on abortion. That is a recipe for ensuring the GOP never recovers.)
UPDATE: Michelle M. set up a site where you can write Gov. Palin to express your support or gratitude or both.