Why it’s International Women’s Day, of course.
ProWomanProLifers don’t look to international, top-heavy, unaccountable bodies to guard their rights. (The United Nations can support women’s rights about as well as they guarded against genocide in Rwanda.)
Véronique adds this:
Here’s my $0.02 on Women’s Day. Now that my oldest daughter is teetering on the verge of adolescence, the dizzying task of helping her come to term with her femininity in ways that are emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy looms large in my mother-eyes. Women’s rights, self-affirmation and confidence in one’s abilities start early, especially if that girl must grow-up in a culture of early sexualization, where girl-power means the power to turn men on and self-expression means being available for intercourse (think I’m making this up? Check this out: Shut up, girls, and let your genitals do the talking…).
With all this doom and gloom, I still have great conversations with my daughters about love and sexuality, body image and romance…Another important battle front is the education of our boys. Having two of them, I am constantly reminded that they will also play an important role in upholding gender equality and the dignity of women. Women’s Day at my house is an ongoing event. It started with an exclamatory “It’s a girl!” in an Ottawa-area delivery room almost 12 years ago.
So who does look to anti-democratic bodies to support their rights? These ladies do. They’re the ones who have their knickers in a knot because of the anodyne Unborn Victims of Violence Bill. The ones who guard abortion rights without ever thinking about what those “rights” are. The ones who, across the country are trying to silence women like us.
So in honour of International Women’s Day, I’m changing one of the categories on this site. You’ll note the former category “Feminism” is now “Feminist nonsense”-a home for all the tired and ridiculous assertions of the old-school, pro-abortion 1960s feminist crowd. It’s Michelle Malkin’s idea-and I like it.
I hope our readers continue to enjoy the thought-provoking content of our non-feminist ProWoman team. And happy International Women’s Day!
(Cross-posted to The Shotgun.)
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