A woman gives birth and the couple sues for accidental pregnancy. Hi, hi. When sperm meets egg, is pregnancy really an accident? I used to think of accidents as unavoidable. In that view, the only accidental pregnancies are those that result from not having sex. But after consulting the Merriam-Webster online s.v. “accident”, I stand corrected. Accidents also happen because of “carelessness or ignorance” or by “lack of intention or necessity.” Following a vasectomy, pregnancy is certainly unintented and therefore (notice the lawyerly word) accidental.
What was not accidental was the physician’s manners. How’s that for adding insult to injury:
The 44-year-old man received a second shock when his urologist, Steven Smith, responded to Mr. Philion’s panicky phone call with a question: ‘How many extramarital affairs has your wife had?’ “
Tanya adds: Is this typical bedside manner for a urologist? So glad we have all those bits looked after by a gynecologist.
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