If they said sex selection abortion was wrong–well, all hell would break loose. Quite literally, by their own description:
Media campaigns to discourage sex-selective abortions sometimes take on imagery that condemns or vilifies all abortion services: television and print advertisements feature well-formed fetuses left in wells, lakes and drains; billboard ads use “feticide” and other loaded words that personify the fetus. In parts of India, fundamentalist religious leaders are also becoming actively involved with the sex-selection campaigns and are using for the efforts as a tool to restrict abortion for any reason.
The effect of these campaigns is that obtaining legitimate abortion services can be more difficult for the women who already have difficulty accessing safe services: poor, rural, and less educated women.
Correction: The effect of these campaigns would mean they’d be out of a job and more women would… live. So please, keep killing off your girls–just lay back and think of “women’s rights.”
(Thanks to C-FAM for publicizing this story.)
Rebecca adds: I will never understand why aborting a baby because it is unplanned, because it will be expensive, because it will interfere with your education, because it might not be healthy, because you don’t want stretch marks, because you’ve decided you don’t love its father anymore, because you’re, well, tokophobic – all that is ok, but aborting a baby because it is a she – that’s outrageous, barbaric, and must be forbidden.
Don’t get me wrong, I think aborting a baby because it’s the “wrong” sex is appalling – but no more so than any other elective abortion.
Andrea adds: Totally agreed, Rebecca. But I find the lengths to which feminists will go to protect abortion over and above absolutely anything else quite astounding. A missing female demographic–pshaw. Nothing compared to losing “abortion rights,” right?

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