When pro-choicers want to make fun of pro-lifers, natural family planning is referred to as ridiculously anachronistic, associated with the “rhythm method,” and as if that were not bad enough, with “religion.” Apologies for this link, but it serves to highlight my point.
But when they agree that women’s health is not well-served by shots of hormones and surgery, natural family planning is called body literacy and fertility awareness.
I don’t care what you call it (and am not an expert in either). But let me personally applaud those pro-choicers who truly support women’s health by being against those regularly-timed shots of hormones.
There’s a conference about this in Alberta, May 14 – 17, 2009 that some may like to be aware of (scroll way down…)
This comes up because a friend attending a government-funded Mom and Baby health session was treated to an exegesis on birth control. (Odd choice, that. Is the line of thinking “you have a baby–you couldn’t possibly want another? But I digress.) It included no information on body literacy/NFP/fertility awareness.
I support pro-choicers who support body literacy. Because the ultimate in body literacy is knowing that the fetus growing inside you is not a blob of tissue that is easily disposable. They aren’t of the same opinion. I know that. But these are the pro-choicers with whom I share some common ground even if we have not come to the same conclusions.

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