There are a lot of problems with this article again, after the Tiller murder. But let me just draw attention to one of those problem areas and that’s Vicki Saporta of the National Abortion Federation dryly claiming these late term abortions on wanted babies are done for the health of the mother:
What made Dr. Tiller unusual was that he specialized in seeing women who found out late in very wanted pregnancies that they were carrying fetuses with anomalies that were incompatible with life,” Saporta said. “For them, there was really no good choice. They needed to terminate their pregnancies to protect their own health, and he provided both the emotional and physical care for women in that situation.”
And what makes Vicki Saporta so “unusual” is that as a pretend advocate for women’s rights–she should be well aware of the body of literature suggesting without a doubt that where wanted babies are killed, their moms suffer afterwards as a result. If the American Psychological Association actually reports this as a finding–and there’s not much that makes abortion “look bad” that they will report, trust me–then we know it is true.